Warm up
Front Squat ( +10lbs to 1RM, Then cal. %)
10 x 50%
10 x 60%
5 x 75%
5 x 80%
5 x 85%
Tricep extensions x 20
9 Rounds For time (20 Min. cap)
15 Double unders
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Cleans
6 Box Jumps 24″/30″
5 Min EMOM
3 Sit ups
5 Push ups
10 Jumping lunges
Rx Program
12 Min. to find 1RM
Strict Press
Superset: Lateral Sidebends x 20 per (light)
Snatch Grip RDL’s
2 x 10 @50% of snatch
3 x 7 @70% of snatch
15 Min. AMRAP
10 C2B
20 DB Push press
50’ DB walking lunges
100 Meter sprint