A. Warm up
B. 6 Min. EMoM complex
Build to 60%
Halted Deadlift + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
C. 8 Min. E2MoM Complex
Every 2 min. build up to 85-90% of Jerk
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
D. 5 Rounds
8 Hang P. Snatches 95/135#
20 Wall balls 14/20#
50 Double unders
E. 3 Rounds (On own)
8 DB Snatches 50/70#
100 Meter run
Rx Program
Bench Press
10 x @50%
10 X @60%
3 x @80%
3 x @85%
3 x @90%
GHD Back Extensions x 14 w/ Plate
Oly: Snatch @80%
5 x 1 Snatch + O/H Squat
(Warm up, then complex)
For time
10 Cal Assault
10 Hang Snatches 80/100#
5 Burpees
8 Cal Assault
8 Hang Snatches
5 Burpees
6 Cal Assault
6 Hang Snatches
5 Burpees
4 Cal. Assault
4 Hang Snatches
5 Burpees
2 Cal Assault
2 Hang Snatches
5 Burpees