A. Coaches Warm up
B. 20 Min. to Complete
2 x 5 @60%
4 x @75%
3 x @80%
2 x @90%
C. 20 Min. EMOM
1st: 11 Strict Pull ups
2nd: 55 Double unders
3rd: 15 HSPU
4th: 150 Meter Run
D. 400 Meter Row|Run
Rx Program
Bench Press
10 x @50%
10 X @60%
5 x @75%
3 x @85%
1+ x 95%
GHD Back extension x 12
10 Min. to find
Heavy complex max
1 Clean + 2 Front Squats + Split or Power Jerk
20 Min. AMRAP
35 Double unders
9 Thrusters 95#