Warm up
Power Snatch (speed work)
2 x 5 @50%
3 x 5 @70% (only if speed and efficiency are not lost)
Superset: 10 Strict pull ups
20 Min EMOM
1st min: 1 Power clean, 2 Hang power cleans @75% (scale down % if technique is being sacrificed)
2nd min: 10 Over the bar burpees
3rd min: 6 Front squats
4th min: 35 Double unders
Cool down: 800 meter jog
Front squats
10 x 50 %
10 x 60 %
5 x 75 %
5 x 80 %
5 x 85 %
Superset : Bicep curls x 20 & reverse hypers x 12