A. Warm up
B. Snatch (15 Min. )
5 x Snatch + Mid Hang Snatch + O/H Squat @50%
5 x Snatch + Mid Hang Snatch + O/H Squat @65%
3 x Mid hang snatch + O/H Squat @75%
3 x Mid hang snatch + O/H Squat @80%
3 x Mid hang snatch + O/H Squat @85%
C. For time (20 Min. cap)
800 Meter Run
then, with remaining time
1 to 10 Factorial
Clean (Squat Clean)
Ring Dip
D. Buy out
3 Pegboard climbs
(scaled: 15 strict pull ups, or 30 ring rows)
E. Foam Roll or Rom wod
Rx Program
Front Squat
10 x @50%
10 X @60%
5 x @75%
3 x @85%
1+ x 95%
Tricep Extensions x 15 heavy
Bent over rows
5 x 3 @85% of clean
13 Min. EMOM
3 Squat Snatches 65/95# + 100 Meter Run