A. Warm up
B. 15 Min. Work to 95% of Snatch
C. 13 Min. AMRAP
12 Strict Pull ups
6 Deadlift
9 Strict T2B
3 Hang Cleans (Squat)
6 Def. Strict HSPU
1 Clean + Jerk @85%
+ 55 Double Unders
D. 800 Med ball run
Rx Program
Front Squats
10 x 40%
10 x 50%
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1++ x 95%
Tricep extensions x 10
Bent Over Rows
3 x 3 @95 of Power Clean
9 Min. EMOM
1st: 10 L-sit flutter kicks on pegboard
2nd: Paralete L-sit 45 sec.
3rd: 5 Sandbag cleans 100/80#
5 Min. Banded Glute March with KB’s front rack position