Wednesday 02/28

Coaches Warm up

12 Min. EMOM
1-3rd min.: 3 Snatches @75%
4th: Rest/ change weight
2 Snatches @85%
4th: Rest/ change weight
1 Snatch @90-95%
(3 Min. of work, rest 4th min.)

Deadlift 155/225#
Bar Facing Burpees
+100 Meter run
(run is in between each round)

For time:
50 Air squats
40 Push ups
30 Sit ups

Foam Roll

Rx Program
Front Squats
10 x @50%
10 X @60%
5 x @75%
3 x @85%
1+ x 95%
Lateral sidebends x 15 (med-heavy)

Snatch Grip RDL’s
5 x 5 @85% of snatch

9 Min. EMOM
7 Muscle ups
3 Burpees