A. Warm up
B. 12 Min. AMRAP
1 Rope Climb or pegboard climb
3 Pistol Squats (R+L=1)
6 Ring Dips
(advanced: Muscle up into ring dips)
9 T2B
12 Cal Row|Bike
C. For time
40 Deficit Push ups
10 Box Jumps
40 Goblet Squats 50/70#
10 Box Jumps
40 Weighted Sit ups
10 Box Jumps
40 Wall balls 14/20#
10 Box Jumps
D. 100 Double unders
Rx Program
Back Squat
10 x 50% 3310
10 x 60% 3210
3 x 80% 3110
3 x 85%
3 x 90%
Lateral side bends w/ KB
Snatch Grip RDL’s
5 x 4 Work to 80% of snatch
12 Min. EMoM
E: 5 Muscle ups on rings
O: 2 Cleans @85%