A. Coaches Warm up
B. Tempo Front Squat
10 x 50% 3210
10 x 60% 3210
3 x 80% 3110
3 x 85%
3 x 90%
Tricep extensions x 16
C. 13.3 (partners will judge)
12 Min. AMRAP
150 Wall balls
(20 lbs to 10′ target)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
D. 5 Min. EMOM
35 Double unders
or D/under tech. work
Rx Program
Tempo Deadlift
10 x 50% 3210
10 x 60% 3210
3 x 80% 3110
3 x 85%
3 x 90%
SS: 12 Chin ups
12 Min. to find max
Power Snatch
9 Min. AMRAP
1 Deadlift
2 Front Squats @65-75%(must be able to clean weight)
3 Box jump over burpees