Wednesday 01/10

Warm up

Front Squats w/ Pause
10 x 50% w/ 2 sec.
10 x 60% w/ 2 sec.
5 x 75% w/ 2 sec.
3 x 85%
1++ x 95%
Tricep Extensions x 10 (Heavy)

15 Min. AMRAP
30 Wall Balls
3 Snatch @85%
30 Sandball Slams
6 Clean & Jerks
30 Alt. rope slams

5 Min. EMOM
35 Double unders
or technique

Rx program:
Strict Press (+ 10lb and ten calculate)
10 x 50%
10 x 60%
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1++ x 95%
Hanging sidebends

Snatch Grip Push press
Behind the neck
5 x 3
Work up to Max

12 Min. EMOM
E: 2 Back Squat @90%
O: 2 Cleans@85% + 3 BFB