Thursday 01/18

Warm up

Strict Press (+10lb then cal.)
10 x 50%
10 x 60%
5 x 75%
5 x 80%
5 x 85%
Lateral sidebends or hanging sidebends x15 per

15 Min. AMRAP
6 Cleans Unbroken (Squat ) Penalty: 5 Strict pull ups
9 Front Rack Lunges
36 Double unders

5 Min. EMOM
50 Double unders
or D/U technique
Rx Program
Tempo Front Squat
10 x 50% 3210
10 x 60% 3210
5 x 75% 3110
5 x 80%
5 x 85%
SS: 10 Ring Dips

Snatch Grip RDL’s
5 x 6 Work to 75% of clean

Angry Jackie
2k Row
50 Thrusters 65/95#
30 Bar MU
For time