Friday 7/14

Workout of the Day Warm Up Handstand Walk Drills 13 Min. AMRAP 9 Ring dips 6 leg raises on rings 3 Rope climbs or pegboard climbs 50ft. HSW 9 Min AMRAP 50 Mountain climbers 40 Sit ups 30 T2B 800 Meter run (When you workout your fingers day.)

Thursday 7/13

Workout of the day Warm up with 400 meter run Bench Press w/ pause 10 x 50% 10 x 60% 5 x 75% 5 x 80% 5 x 85% Lateral sidebends w/KB x 12 10 Min. AMRAP 15 Snatches 55/75# 35 Double unders 400 Meter Sprint for time    400 Meter run for cool down

Wednesday 7/12

Workout of the Day Front Squats w/ Pause 10 x 50% 10 x 60% 5 x 75% 5 x 80% 5 x 85% Superset:Tricep extensions x 20 21-15-9 HSPU Box jumps Pull ups +50 Double unders each round 2 Min. AMRAP Max Thrusters 55/75# 100 Hip extensions +200 Meter jog (break up as necessary)

Tuesday 7/11

Workout of the Day! Warm up + Kip complex 9 Min. AMRAP 200 Meter sprint 50 Push ups 75 Sit ups w/ Plate 15/25# 100 Barbell squats 15 Min. EMOM 1st min. 3 Bar Mucle ups 2nd min. 7 Strict HSPU 3rd min. 12 Pistol squats 5 Min. EMOM 100 Meter run

Monday 7/10

Workout of the Day Deadlift w/ Tempo 3030 10 x 50% 10 x 60% 5 x 75% 5 x 80% 5 x 85% Bicep curls x 22 (Dumbbells) DT 5 Rounds 12 Deadlifts (155/105 lbs) 9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lbs) 6 Push Jerks (155/105 lbs) 5 Min. EMOM 2 KB Snatch + 3 O/H Squats (each side)

Saturday 7/8

Workout of the Day Warm up +800 Meter run Even teams- run heats for time 30-20-10 Tire Flips Synced Tire jump burpees 30-20-10 Partner wod deadlifts 95/135# Wall ball 14/20# Any breaks during deadlift set +5 burpees Cool downc 400 Meter row|run

Friday 7/7

Workout of the day Active Warm up 16 Min. EMOM 1. 20 Kettle Bell swings (American) 2. 40 Double arm rope slams 3. 100 Meter Sprint 4. 40 Double unders Partner work 800 Meter Run and Plank partner 1: Plank hold partner 2: 100 Meter Alternate till each hit 800 Meters 15 Wall ball penalty each time, if plank isn’t …

Thursday 7/6

Workout of the Day Warm up +800 Meter run Bench Press 10 x 50% 10 x 60% 3 x 80% 3 x 85% 3 x 90% superset: Hanging Lateral Sidebends T.U.P 25 Min. cap 15-12-9-6-3 Power cleans @95/135# Pull ups Front Squats Pull ups Cool Down 400 Meter Row    

Customer Appreciation BBQ Oct. 29th

We want to thank our customers, their friends and family for making us their fitness facility. We will be cooking on the grill and have some sides to go along. Please come by, take a look at our place and enjoy some food with us.

Closed July 4th, 2016

We will be closed July 4th, 2016! We will resume back no normal business hours July 5th, 2016. Please enjoy your holiday safely!